Some time ago I read this book on Enterprise Architecture, which is a compilation of various chapters about the GERAM framework for Enterprise Architecture.
While very extensive it seems that GERAM is dead. The last publications on the standard date at least 5 years back. The latest version seems to be 1.6.3, dating from March 1999. The only document on the TOGAF website referring to it is from 2004, attempting to map GERAM to Togaf. I could find one website TOGAF GERAM Synergy Analysis which also seems obsolete.
I post a link to this blog to the Togaf LinkedIn group, to verify that GERAM indeed is dead, and to find out from the experts whether any progress has been made to incorporate the work on GERAM, especially regarding areas that Togaf was weak in, such as
- model-driven enterprise development (such as MDA does for applications)
- generic and partial enterprise models
- identification of enterprise types
- enterprise life cycles
The main aspect of GERAM that some enterprise architects seem to shun is Enterprise Engineering, seeing enterprise architecture to be more as a descriptive model of the enterprise, helping in the maintenance and evolution of the enterprise, but not as a change agent in itself. My stance on this is that EA should help with both, the enterprise operational model, as well as the tool in strategic change.
The answers I manage to get I will append to this post. And of course you are invited to comment below!
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