From the Mist

Blog by Rob Vens

Articles are in English or Dutch, sometimes both. This blog has moved out of my company’s main site

Latest articles

  • How to effectively prepare for an ArchiMate® training
    The most common hurdle for participants is the information overload. Both the ArchiMate metamodel and all the ArchiMate concepts with their definitions may be overwhelming to absorb. There are only three days in which all this information is presented and explained, with limited time available for exercises. This is where…
  • NORA processen en ArchiMate
    In mijn vorige post Procesconcepten in NORA heb ik geprobeerd wat licht te werpen op het modelleren van processen in BPMN, gebaseerd op de NORA definities van processen. Dat artikel is vooral bedoeld voor procesontwerpers en bedrijfsanalisten die voor (overheids-) organisaties in Nederland bezig zijn processen te beschrijven. Dit artikel…
  • Procesconcepten in NORA
    De NORA (Nederlandse Overheids Referentie Architectuur) definieert een aantal concepten over processen. In dit artikel wil ik ingaan op de definities van: NORA definieert de concepten correct, maar summier, en ik kom in de praktijk tegen dat hierdoor veel voorkomende fouten gemaakt worden. In dit artikel kom je te weten…
  • AI has no body
    New Year in The Netherlands has always had a problematic association for me because of an experience I had as a small child. My parents and I stayed at my grandmother’s for the occasion, and I was put to bed on New Year’s Eve being to young to be able…
  • Digital Twins Done Right
    My gosh, everyone is now writing about Digital Twins! I should be delighted, you’d assume. Someone within Gartner must have resonated with some article of mine from 20 years ago… A few examples: 1991: A simulator of complex ecosystems 1996: Buffered Database Communication (sorry, only in Dutch) … and many…